My problem is similar, but I am only looking to NOT have the group header print if it's the last thing on the page. As long as at least one record comes after it, I don't mind the group being broken. But I hate when the group header appears at the bottom and the first record of that group starts...
no, it only happens when they go at the same time. like if two people on two different machines hit the save button that does a DB operation at the same time, one of them gets the error.
also the objects are no longer public. they are declared at page level with only Dim.
to me, this just...
I have posted this question in the VB.NET forum, but I suppose it really belongs here.
I first had my SqlConnection object as a public variable. When two users tried to do database operations at the same time, one would get an error saying the connection is already open. I have tried putting...
well, i have noticed that it is not just the SqlConnection object. all variables seem to be shared by the users.
this time i set all SqlConnections to session variables. that worked fine, but now my SqlDataReaders are causing problems. It seems that when one user has finished with the database...
Whenever I am using an SqlConnection object and one user has it open, a second user (on a different machine) produces an error saying the SqlConnection is already open.
I set a new instance of SqlConnection, open the connection on each page, and bring info from the DB. at the end of page_load i...
Thanks for that website. Actually I found what I was looking for on the Crystal site after some really tedious searches. Here it is for any who are also having this problem.
use it for each param in your report. works...
I am trying to pass a set of parameters (two dates) to a report from .NET. However nothing seems to be working. My
works fine, but i have tried to use ParameterValue(s) and ParameterField(s) with no luck. Does anyone know how to do this? I either get null...
your solution would only work for me if i was not making an unknown amount of textboxes. this form needs to dynamically create a number of textboxes equal to the number of records.
there was actually nothing wrong with the code, only what was calling the code. i was trying to unload from a...
yes, robert, i was.
my code was correct. however, i was trying to unload from a combobox click event. this is not allowed (which escapes my logic).
anyway, i just switched to a listbox and it works just fine. thank you
everything was worked out in thread 222-112214
it fails on the very first textbox (which is the upperbound textbox). according to MS's help on error 365, you cannot unload controls in the click event of a combobox, as you said. could this pertain also to all subs and functions called DURING the event as well?
i made a command button and...
this is what i used in the public sub
Dim i As Integer
For i = txtBedCID.UBound To 1 Step -1
Unload txtBedCID(i)
Unload txtBed(i)
ps. the number of bed and bedCID are the same
i am trying this very thing and have another thread with the exact same problem.
i have tried setting them to nothing, turning off their visibility first, and unloading backwards in the array. i still am encountering a <cannot unload in this context> error. none of these things help and the...
sorry. i got an error when i tried to post this message, so i posted it again. i don't see any retract options, so i appologize for the redundancy.
what i am trying to do is populate a form with textboxes that hold data from a recordset. each record (yielding one field) is put into a textbox array.
i have the first, txtBox(0), on the form in Des.Time, then as the user selects the query options, the form populates with the textbox array...
what i am trying to do is populate a form with textboxes that hold data from a recordset. each record (yielding one field) is put into a textbox array.
i have the first, txtBox(0), on the form in Des.Time, then as the user selects the query options, the form populates with the textbox array...
thanks for the suggestion, tho Crystal didn't seem to like that. it totally ignored my Case in SQL and gave me an error on trying to sort by theorder!
...stupid Crystal reports...
thanks tho.
i am trying to designate a specific order in which the records come out, not ascending or descending. is this possible with a Select and Order By? or perhaps another keyword that i am unfamiliar with?
i'm working in Crystal Reports with SQL Server.
SELECT LastName FROM People
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