Sorry - I forgot about the title!
Anyway can I answer part of my own question:
LRow = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
Cells(LRow, 7).Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("F4:F" & LRow))
Hi - i'm trying to put a value in the last row in col G.
The last row at present is 16, but the code below is only giving me the total for F4.
What am I doing wrong.
And out of interest - is it possible to put an actual formula in the cell?
LRow = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row...
That's exactly what I wanted Zathras - works a treat!
Tried yours Tony, but had to alter it slightly:
LRow = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
Columns("H:H").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">0"
Range("A2:B" & LRow, "E2:F" & LRow).Copy...
If a code can be written it would do this:
If H2 = 20 and H13 = 4 and H100 = 2560, then the code would select:
A2 to B2, E2 to F2
A13 to B13, E13 to F13
A100 to B100, E100 to F100
Hi Guys,
I have a macro that once run produces values in column H!
What I would like to do is were these values appear in column H (they can appear on any row between 2 & LRow with gaps in between)is copy columns A, B, E & F, but only the rows that are greater than "0".
Can this be...
Hi Skip,
My Rows Fields are:
Page, Item, Desc, Quantity, Unit, RATE, Ref, Markup
My Data Field is:
I dont have any Column fields
Ref contains references that can be anything from 01 to 60
Rather than click the arrow and select the number I'd like to select it the way I previously...
Sorry Skip,
You'll have to talk to me like a small child again.
I've run your code and it gives me a obscure number in the message box "1022.42"
I don't know how to alter your code to show me the data in my "REF" field that matches the data in my cell (now named TName)...
You beauty!
Fantastic - thankyou very much!!!!!
As mentioned the data in this field is text like 01, 02, 03 etc....
Is there a way of entering one of these references in a cell - say [p1] and then running a code that will show the matching data in the field?
ie type "02" in cell p1...
Hi Skip,
You couldn't talk to me like I'm a small child could you - I don't really know what to do with the info you've given to me.
I've run your code and seen what it does but I can't get this to help me with my problem!
Stripe [beaver]
Hello I'm looking for some help with the following!
Please go slow if you know of a way to help me - I'm new to all this!
I've recorded a macro to try and automate a task.
Part of the task included 'Checking (Show All) in one of my Pivot table fields, but when I came to look at the code it...
Cheers John, Ian.
I've copied your code John, but I'm struggling a bit!
Your code doesn't seem to select the non blanks as they popup in the message box.
How do you do this?
The 'Do Until' statement sound just what I need, but I don't know where to start!
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