I have created a project with a custom form. The form contains list boxes that get their list items from cells in Excel spreadsheets. In the properties window (in the Visual Basic Editor) for this form, under the RowSource heading I list the cells that I want to appear in the list box. Entered...
Thanks Loomah. Does anybody else out there know of a way to activate a form without any trace of the workbook popping up? I'd love to know. This could also be a powerful tool in making a free VB alternative built into every computer with Office.
Hey, I want to make a form using VBA that pops up immediately when you open a spreadsheet(in fact I want the spreadsheet itself to be hidden, I just need it for the data that will be displayed on the forms.) In essence this would work fine with just Visual Basic, but I know VBA much better and i...
I have the following code. In my opinion after I select the ChDir the file should be saved to that directory, on the network in our v:\. I looked for these files but they did not show up there. To my surprise I found them hiding out in C:\WINNT\Personal. Why are they going there?
Thanks for all your help. There is one problem though. The time after the sequence finds the highest number it loops through again and on the last_file = Mid(f, Len(poname... line it says Invalid Procedure call or argument.
I ran your code as a standalone Macro. Am I doing something wrong, or...
Okay, this one is more tricky. I want the current Workbook to save in a directory with the next consecutive open number. It references a cell and uses that name. Here is some sample code
' Choosing the Saving Name
' If Name Is Specialty ie. Cornie 09
If Range("PoName").Value >...
I have a simple question that I just can't figure out. I want my code to say the following:
If workbook So and So is open then close it
But I can't figure out how to get the if statement(with open) to work(the closing part is easy). Help this poor meager soul! Thanks.
Thanks, except for 1 problem. I do not have Visual Basic Help, I have lost my Office CD and can now not install it. Could somebody please copy the data and paste it here in reply to this?
I have an excel program in which two windows are open. The second window is a program always called "master list.xls", yet the initial window starts out being called "PO Template.xls", but can be saved to anything else. How can I reference window 1 if I do not know what it is...
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