I need to come up with a formula that will make sure that the characters entered in the postal code field are valid.
I am creating a report in crystal that pulls the data from a sequal database. Crystal 8.5
I need to check if the first is a letter, the second a number, the third a letter...
I have a field called company name.
User is typing in the company name and uses a space (hits the spacebar) the text in the box moves down a line and you can not see what you have entered previously.
I have tried reducing the font and making the text box longer but the same things keeps...
I was trying to play around with that also but could not figure out the correct coe to put into the event.
I will try that out.. would that also work in the "on key down" field?
Need to find a way to have the combo box list open up as soon as a letter is typed into the combo box or when the user hits the down arrow key.
The contents of the combo box are loaded from a table with just the customer name.
I have 6 different tables that need to be used in a windows application. The problems is:
I want to load the combo boxs for some of the fields but once every different box has data chosen I want it to update the dataset for its table as well as the dataset for the table where all completed...
Sorry I did not realize this was the wrong forum.
I am using Microsoft Visual Basic.net but am building a windows application form that uses an access database.
What forum should I be in?
I have 6 different tables that need to be used in a windows application. The problems is:
I want to load the combo boxs for some of the fields but once every different box has data chosen I want it to update the dataset for its table as well as the dataset for the table where all completed...
I am creating a windows application solution in VB.net.
I have the form ready with a datagrid that displays information from a table in and access database.
Is there a way to change the fields in the datagrid to combo boxes?
I have fields such as Dealer Name .. in access I have the fields set...
OK I am not sure how to word this one.
I am using crystal 8.5
I have a list of customers.
each customer number has many orders.
I need to creata a formula that will go through the orders and return a Y if there is an NSF charge on any of the transactions per order.
The problem is I do not want...
Is it possible to populate a combo box with a query and then have the chosen item in the combo box update to a record in a table?
The query pulls from the same table that the record will be save in.
ie customer name combo box is populated with a query run on the orders table where the query...
I guess your right the user would need to enter the year as well. hmmm
I would need to see dec 2004 and 2003 year to date total even though I am running in Jan.
In this case I may just go with a date fields and use a "date" parameter.
I will wait for your response and then try out a few things...
The user is only selecting the month.Or could set it up to choose the end date.
What works in crystal is if I change the stprint date option to the last day of the month. But how do I get this to set in the formula for the column instead of having set the print date option.
If I set the print...
ok that seems to be ok except for one thing.
I need to set the month for anytime during the year.
The parameter could also be January. Does that get put in anywhere??
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