I use the BVI so i can have a few clients on the WLAN connect to the same subnet. However my WAN port is FA0, perhaps my configuration is a little off. from what i thought the only way to get the wireless to connect together was through the BVI creation. Have a least 5 WiFI clients and print...
That being said, when i've done that in the past it basically kills all my internet activity. Not sure if its cause i didn't have the rest of the config setup. Who knows, i mean i will try it later to night and post a GO or NO GO status. Lets keep formulating.
Having a difficult time getting my new vlan to access anything IE the WWW. Im using ZBF perhaps its not configured right, or im missing a Route. Please help, i need to keep the traffic separate but i need this new experimental traffic to get out to the internet just as much as the main VLAN...
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