I've got this receipt page that pulls all this info from cookies and databases and forms and stuff, and I want to basically email a copy of that page to the company and the user- and while I could go through and replace every "Response.Write(...." with "emailString = emailString & ...", I was...
x_description = Replace(x_description,"-",",")
arCart = split(x_description,",")
for i = lbound(arCart) to ubound(arCart) step 2
Response.Cookies("cart") (arCart(i)) = arCart(i+1)
It works! My mechanism for...
I'm starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't just write this stuff into a new cookie?
The thing I need to do with the info is just have a way I can query what items are in the cart, and then for each individual item, how many of it there are. So the request.cookie("cart") (SM346) thing was...
I got it to work by going:
i = 0
for each item in arCart
if i mod 2 = 0 then
cartItems = "'" & arCart(i) & "'," & cartItems
end if
i = i+1
But shouldn't there be a more automatic way of doing it?
when I had it as:
i = 0
for each i in arCart
if i mod 2 = 0 then...
Awesome- thank's a lot-
So to compile a list of the different items, I'd want to go something like
for each i in arCartFinal
if i mod 2 = 0
cartItems = "'" & arCartFinal(i) & "'," & cartItems
end if
Though I'm getting a type mismatch error- on this previous line-
for each item in...
Sure thing-
arCart = split(x_description,",")
for each item in arCart
arCartFinal = split(arCart(item),"-") ' I get an error on this line...
Then I was thinking I'd get a list of the different items (for the db query) like...
Hey folks-
Thanks for the info- yeah, wholesea that's kind of what I'm tempted to do- just create a new table for each user... but I'm afraid that'll be too huge a project and will push the launch farther back...
thanks for the replies- I wish I was more on it but I'm not even sure how I would go about utilizing the info once I got it in second post...
The way I had been doing it is
'_____________Getting info from shopping cart
if Request.Cookies("cart").HasKeys then
for each cartItem in...
Okay, so here's my issue. I'm working on a shopping cart and we've got it set up so the users cart is a cookie kept on their machine, with they key names being the itemId's and the values being the number of each they've purchased.
I'm writing the receipt page that'll have "thank you! your...
Okay, so here's my issue. I'm working on a shopping cart and we've got it set up so the users cart is a cookie kept on their machine, with they key names being the itemId's and the values being the number of each they've purchased.
I'm writing the receipt page that'll have "thank you! your...
first post!
I'm a new MySQL user (currently working with ASP), and I'm really loving the flexibility it gives me, but I can't figure out how to do something that seems really simple to me-
I've got a column called itemShipping and a list of items that I want to sum- so I was thinking:
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