I don't claim to have the answer, but only a comment. When I have run into a physical memory dump on Windows 2000 computers it has almost always meant that the hard drive was failing. Make sure your stuff is backed up.
Has anyone ever noticed that, on a fresh install of Lotus Notes, when the user detaches the file they end up with the Notes Data directory being the first directory to open up. Chances are they never change it and detach right into that directory - which leads to problems later one when they...
I am working with a navigator that has 5 buttons on the left side of the screen. The first 4 buttons open various views of the data. The fifth button points to a Page consisting of sectioned text & tables.
Upon opening the .nsf file, you see the navigator on the left hand side of the screen...
I am trying to get a Navigator to access a Page from a button. I am using @Command([OpenPage]; "pagename") and the Page is opening; however the Navigator framework is disappearing and I have to close the page in order to get back to the navigator. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hello all,
(Lotus Notes 5.0.8 Client)
I am helping a remote user troubleshoot a problem. She is typing in addresses that "disappear" or duplicate in her to: and cc: when sending a message.
For example, she types a local e-mail recipient into to: then types a different name into cc...
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