I'm not looking to open an individual record, I'm looking to open an individual query.
Say I have 10 seperate customer lists (it's more like 100, but for arguments sake lets say 10)
I have all the customers in a table, I run 10 queries, 1 for each seperate list, labeled 1-10
I create a form...
I know it's generally a bad idea to give users access to tables, but I'm working for a VERY small business where only 3 of us will be using the file anyway, myself, my marketing director, and the owner, all of us are more than competent users, no worries about someone deleting info they shouldn't.
How do I use DoCmd.OpenTable and DoCmd.OpenQuery,?
And the users opening tables and queries isn't a problem, we're a small company, I'm just trying to get away from using 8000 different excel spreadsheets and know how to do just about everything in access except for this.
So, there is no way for values in a list/combo box to act as "links" to open tables/forms/queries? It seems like this would be an obvious use, but I can't find it anywhere.
I'm trying to create a customer database and am having some trouble.
We have our customers organized by list numbers, and my goal is to use a list box on a form to be able to select the list number that you want, click/double click, and have it open the selected table/query. I am only able to...
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