I was able to create a bootbale cd (from thread 779-1024521) but still have problems -
I could not get the cd to read the hard drive
I loaded files onto the cd but they are not recognized after I created the cd
And from previous thread a suggestion was to use the xp cd and the repair...
disk was not encrypted, don't know if it is basic or dynamic and it is fat.
I am runnig xp home w/service pack 2. (also, this is for a toshiba notebook)
I was attempting to eradicate symantec from my hard drive (symsnatec was giving me an error and their web help wasn't)
so, in my overzealousness (sp), I deleted windows/system files)
? - can i create a bootbale cd that will let me read my hard drive? and if so how?
I'm currently sending an email w/attachments from my access database. Outlook is displaying a warning that "A program is .. send email..." with choices of yes, no and help.
Q? - How do I turn off the Outlook warning in code?
thanks in advance
I have rtfm'd and successfully added a printer. But every time I boot up my pc xp tells me it has found new hardware and wants to install it. I've tried to check the don't ask button but that too doesn't work. any suggestions?
thanks in advance.
My latest attempt creates any report that is selected from the reports menu to be output as an .rtf. I want just one report to be ouput as an .rtf file and any other report that is selected to be previewed. any suggestions?
Dim db as Database
Dim doc as Document
Set db = CurrenDb
For each...
AS far as code goes I have :
Dim db as Database
Dim doc as Document
Set db = CurrenDb
For each doc in db.Continaers!Reports.Documents
if doc.Name = "Report" Then
DoCmd.OutputTO acOutputReport, "report", acFormatRTF, "C:\filename.rtf", true
I've created a report in Access, but want to publish it in word and maintina the Access Reports' format.
The report has calculated paragraph headings that don't stay the same when I try to export to .txt, .rtf or try to link it into word using the W icon in Access.
With much thanks to mpastore for responding to my post "Label paragraphs (a, b,c, d)" my report looks very nice. I thought it would be a simple thing to export or link to msword, but, when exporting to a text file, .rtf or linking to msword, the paragraph headers change (i.e. if the...
I've created a report to have group headers based on product id. I want to give the first product id an "A" in the header, the next a "B" in the header, and so on and if the product id's are over 26, to start the 27th product id w/"AA", then "AB". Is...
I have a form that updates checking account info. I want to display a running total. I have been able to display a total per record but how do I make the display show a running total?
thanks in advance
I'm using Access as a front end app, and am setting up my data in SQL.
I'm trying to get Bulk Insert to work, the command I'm using is:
BULK INSERT sqltablemytablename from '\\server\directoryname\filename.txt' with ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '\0' ROWTERMINATOR = '\r' )
and the error is
I need to have multiple tables with the same format in my db. Is there an easy (read quick) method to copy a table format into a new table?
thanks in advance
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