Here is where I am, I am DEAD stuck. I can not get trafic of any kind to pass through the ASA 5510. I have tried what I beleive to be everything. Below I have posted my new configuration file. I need to know what is wrong with it and how to fix it. I have also cut the 2821 out of the equation so...
Thank you for this exelent reply! It has helped alot, I only have one more question...what are the static routes that I should configure inside the linksys RV082 router?
I dont know if any of you guys can help me out with this, but I am kind of stuck.
Linksys RV082 dual wan router
Cisco 2821 integrated service router
What I am trying to do is connect the RV082 to the 2 ISP's I have coming into the building(for redundancy purposes) and on one of...
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