The idea is to add a domin group into the local Administrators group of every pc in an OU.
I want to add the following code to the startup.bat file in the OU group policy starup scripts.
Net Localgroup Administrators TTM_Tech\TPCG483ADMIN /add
this in theroy should add the group TPCG483ADMIN...
I am trying to chage some registry setting in windows xp but our users do not have admin rights on the box. I am trying to create a run as script that will allow the script to run under the admin account. but my scripting skills are not very good. I would appreciate some help.
Here is the...
In my network I am using and Windows 2000 server for VPN access. Everything was working fine until this morning, when this error happened.
I now have users getting droped by the vpn, and some users cant login.
Need some help please.
Sorce: IPMG EventID: 50015
The description for...
I have a windows 2000 Domain Controller that I use to apply Group Policy on several windows XP machines. My problem is that company policy for computers keeps changing, so I have to edit the GPO constantly. Sometimes I find it easier to create a new OU with the GPO settings that I want and...
I my environment we run windows 2000 server with xp clients. The clients have a group policy that redirects the users my documents folder to a location on our server. Also the group policy is set to force sync of offline files at log off.
All works well for the user but there is an issue with...
I found out why this wasnt working properly.
In my haste to change userlogon names I did not change the pre-windows2000 logon name. Seams that users were still logging in with that logon name.
After changing the Pre-windows 2000 logon, every thing worked fine.
When I first started working at this company, it was a somewhat small company, but now we have grown alot. Many of the users had different kinds of login names like, "Sam", "Richard" ect. Which was fine when the company was small. Now we have switched to a new naming policy with First Inital...
I have a windows 2000 Domain Controler with about 100 xp clients. I have a group policy for folder redirection redirecting my documents to //servername/%username&. This policy seams to work fine except for one thing.
One user had his shared folder redirected to his my documents folder on the...
Recently I had a situation where one of our admins was working on a server from home. By accident he told the server to shut down instead of restart. Since I live the closest I had to go turn the server back on. Is there a way to only allow a group to only have restart and not shutdown?
Curently I am using XP clients with a windows 2000 domain controler. I have made a group policy to force evenyones my documents to be redirected to our files server had have enable the use of offline files in case the server goes down.
My goal is to prevent the user from changing any of the...
Thanks for the tip. But I still have a small problem.
Group policy worked to redirect the My Documents folder but when I try to apply the offline files sync policy, it dosent seam to work.
I done a few test with the policy disconneting the machine from the network, and each time it tells me...
Recently I had a situation where one of the client computers was improperly mapped to a shared drive on our network. The user became disconnect from the network and the files were no longer accessible. Upon investigation of the client computer, I found that the My Documents folder was mapped...
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