In order to allow the production of my reports in any (sized)language I've created a screen that takes a template crystal report, iterates through all the CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject's in the report - allowing alteration of Height, Left, Top and Width. The process then repeats for the...
Thanks, but the reason they want it generic, is cos I'm a contractor, who won't be around when they add the various new languages - so I was going to give them a screen, iterating through the English labels, and allowing them to input the translation, and positioning information, before writing...
How can I iterate through a reports labels/fields?
I'm writing some crystal reports (in visual studio) that we would like to be generic i.e. although the basic layout stays the same as our template, the labels could be in different languages. Due to the different lengths of the technical terms...
Hi Jdemni,
I'm replacing an old Access system, with a new VB.Net front end. The specifications gathered by the front end are printed on an A3 sheet - consisting of a Cad diagram, with the specification as notes down the side.
I can print the diagram as Wmf format, and I can include the fields...
Thanks jdemni - trouble is, my report consists of a giant blob then lots of information down the side.....How can I design this in Landscape mode for A3 - when it's off the design area in VB.Net
I need to print a technical document on A3 sized paper, using Crystal (in a VB.Net environment) Is this possible - if so, how do I select an A3 Landscape print.
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