When I was loading my movie before in my button I had:
on (release) {
loadMovie ("2.swf", 0);
2.swf being my movie.
Now I have "home1.swf", "soundClip");
With soundclip being a movie clip on my page loading up the sound home1.swf
In home1.swf I have a...
Still having problems with this. I now have my sound playing in a movie clip when I press the button but it still won't load up my .swf.
In the last frame I have tried LoadMovie, gotoandplay and play but none seem to work. I think I'm missing a bit at the beginning. I would usually use (on...
I have created a button action that loads in an external swf and also have an audio clip attached to that button. How can I make the audio clip play in it's entireity before the action kicks in?
At the moment my audio is getting cut off as the action starts on release.
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