Sorry my coding did not appear
Dim sParams As String = ""
Dim emailto As String = ""
Dim subject As String = "Subject Test"
Dim body As String = "Line 1"
body = body & "%0A"
body = body & "%0A" & "Line 2"
body = body & "%0A"...
I have the following coding in place which basically just opens a new email in outlook, however my signature does not appear at the bottom. I was wondering if this is possible at all?
Coding is not appearing so i will paste it below
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Dim Value1, Value2 As Decimal
Decimal.TryParse(TextBox1.Text, Value1)
Decimal.TryParse(TextBox2.Text, Value2)...
I have two textboxes, value in textbox1 gets added to the value in textbox2 and i have this coding in place, the only problem i have is that if i made an error when adding a value in textbox1 and i remove the value to add the correct value the textbox2 value does not also change to the...
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