I want to use excel as a database. I have two workbooks. One that have the vba code and registration, and one that just store the data. When I open up the excel workbook it checks the other workbook and gets the data without open the workbook.
So far so well, but i also wan't to change the data...
Hi BSman
Here are the koblingTBL (all marked with primary key)
BokID Number
ForfatterID Number
OversetterID Number
This is the BokTBL
BokID Autonumber, primary key
Tittel Text
Undertittel Text
ISBN-nummer Text
UtgittID Number
Utgave Number
This is the ForfatterTBL...
To Rudy
Thank you very much. I had to justify the sql BokPris to this
SELECT BokTBL.BokID, BokTBL.Innkjøpspris, BokTBL.Innkjøpsdato
WHERE (((BokTBL.Innkjøpsdato) Between #1/1/2003# And #12/31/2003#));
Because I just wanted books that I had bought this year.
The other sql was then...
Hi Rudy.
The expression is
Sum Totalt: Sum(([Innkjøpspris]))
Sample data:
Innkjøpsdato BokID Etternavn Fornavn Tittel Forlag Utgitt Innkjøpspris Sum Totalt Innkjøpsted Antall bøker
03.01.2003 1226 Euripides NN Medeia Den Norske Bokklubben 2002 Fra mamma 1
07.01.2003 1227 Jordan Robert...
That won't do. Because it will differe's each time a new book will be registered. Sometimes it will be two publishers and somtimes it could be five author's and two publisher's and three translators, and sometimes anly one authors. The only constant is the BookID that is unique for each book.
I have created a database for books. Where on book can have multiple authors, publishers and translators.
When I create a query all with sum buy for one month. The query is wrong, because when a book have multiple authors, publishers or translators it will sum all, so istedet of 100 i get 300...
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