I think we have a classic case of a communication breakdown, I really dont understand what you are asking now, but when I say I'm getting 'nothing' then my browser shows an empty white screen.
Obviously I'm not trying to be vague, but it's not always easy to see things from other peoples point...
You are correct, author/@word should give me the word attribute but my example is still returning nothing (however it also doesnt return any errors)
Here's my files....
<author idref="1"/>
<author id="1" word="one">...
Funny you should suggest that cos it was the first thing I tried was something similar....
<xsl:copy-of select="document('author.xml')/authors/author[@id =current()/@idref]@word"/>
This threw up errors, so I have now tried your suggestions and it returns nothing because /@word would be looking...
I'm trying to perform a lookup to a 2nd XML document in order to convert a code to a real value, but I can't find any examples that work with my file format.
I have tutorial.xml
<author idref="1"/>
.. and author.xml
<author id="1" word="one">...
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