It's a white box DOS PC, with the label COMDIAL on the front. When we run the voicemail it says "Small Office Call Processing System, v.82, AT&T Merlin Lengend Integration."
I looked in its menu but couldn't find where it would let you set how many rings for the Auto Attendant to pick up...
Thanks Tom for checking.
The previous tech said it was the Comdial Key Voice, but we couldn't figure out how to configure it either.
Anyone out there familiar with that Comdial system? Unfortunately both the reseller we bought it from and Comdial are both out of business. I couldn't find any...
Thanks Tom.
I got it to print out the report (it was more involved than I thought, because the WinSPM was on an old Win98 computer, had to jump through some hoops to get it copied on a floppy disk and read it back!!)
I checked and we do dial 770 to retrieve our voicemails.
----- Site...
Thanks Tom for your suggestion.
I tried it on the WinSPM computer, but after MORE, I don't see a prompt for line/pool??? Is there a different name? This is for WinSPM 6.0.
Also, I tried it on the MLX-20L main console, after I press MENU, SYSTEM PROGRAM, it just beeps...
Sorry, I'm a newbie...
Hi Everyone:
We have a Comdial Key Voice (4 ports) Version 8.20 hooked up to our phone trunk systm, which is a Merlin Legend 7.0 V10.0 CKE4 (direct connect using the WinSPM V6.0). We have all our calls to our main line routed to an Auto Attendant (on the Comdial). The Auto Attendant used to...
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