I have a new Cisco 3600 router that came preconfigured. I am having connection trouble, I need to find out the routers IP address so that I can ping it. The router came from our corporate HQ with out any paperwork at all, I need to be able to figure out the ip address for this thing and without...
c567591, I have the same setup that you seem to have. I have been learning ArcServe on my own for the past two weeks. When I can get the program to actually run. I constantly get messages asking to mount blank media.
I am running Compaq Storageworks DLT1 1280 with ArcServe as the backup software. My backup will get to 99% then ask for blank media to be mounted, I have 7 tapes inserted into the rack. Do I need to just rotate them when it asks this or do I need to move one out of the mail slot and insert a new...
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