Hi Skip,
the routine suggested
Range([Q3], [Q3].End(xlToRight)).AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(rStart,"Q"),Cells(rEnd,"Q"))
does not work, stopping program for debugging
I try also with
Range([Q3], [Q3].End(xlToRight)).AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(rStart, 10), Cells(rEnd, 10))...
Ok Skip, having rStart and rEnd defined as you suggest
how can I insert them in the last istructions
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
rStart = [Q1].End(xlDown).Row + 1
rEnd = [P1].End(xlDown).Row
Range (???)...
Answer for skip
Excuse me Skip,
in the first thread I try to explain the nature of my question
Perhaps I was not clear
How can you copy the formulas under down, reaching the rows where the left side of colums are filled.
Recording the macro, the step is coded
Answer for anotherhiggins
In "option" I have the right configuration.
If I select the n colums and on the south-est give a double click, all formulas are copied under down, reaching the last row in which left colums are already filled.
I need VBA code in order avoiding this manual double...
My routine works copying information on the left side of the sheet incresing month after month.
On the right side I need only copy the formulas in the last row in the row following, up to the total
A B ... Q R S ... Z
... ... ... ... ... ...
Thanks Glenn,
I promise non to use caps in the title in the future, I knew that but I didnt' give a format in the hurry
So I can use Range ...
My complete code is
For y = 1 To 100
Next y
You can see I need...
good morning America !
I have a little program in visual basic for application in Excel
The code "Selection.EntireRow.Insert" allow to insert only one row in the sheet
How can I insert 100 rows one-shot ?
Thank you
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