Sorry for my unclear guide. I modified my oldxml.xml, let it more clearer.
<row emp_name="one" org_cd="73700" rpt_to_org_cd="11111" lev="2" />
<row emp_name="four" org_cd="73656" rpt_to_org_cd="73700" lev="3" />...
Hi tsuji
<branch id="three">
should put on the up level(because of lev="2" ), here is the correct xml
<branch id="one">
The problem resolved.
"out" has to be defined like this
Dim out
Set out = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
out.async = false
out.loadXML objxml.transformNode(objxsl)
out.save ("newxml.xml")
Thanks tsuji!
Here is my asp code:
dim xslinputPath1
'which the code you posted
xslinputPath1 = "convert.xsl"
set objxsl = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument")
objxsl.async = false
objxsl.resolveExternals = false
objxsl.validateOnParse = false
objxsl.load xslinputPath1...
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