I've tried to search on the forums, but couldn't
find my answer.
I have a question
I know it's working on one criteria as follows
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "DATE like #8/5/2002#"
Is it possible to use applyfilter on 2 search criteria?
Thank you for your quick answer.
I just tried it.
I got complier error
points to this line
db As Database
and says user-defined type not defined
Probably I misplaced the code.
Got to go home now to take care my baby.
I'll try again first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Thank you again.
Oops! I didn't reply all your questions.
Yes, I'm trying to replace all the dash in for that column.
It simply pops up the error message, the query not runn
at all. Looks like it can't recognize the replace function.
I'm using Access 2000
I've tried to use the update query to update
the table, I thought I can use replace function
but it doesn't work, any other way to do it
Update table1
Set col1=replace(col1,"-","")
Where instr(Col1,"-")>0
What I'll do is
1. make a query that select the distinct records based
on the field you want
2. then use make-table query to make the new table which
contains those distinct records
3. delete the old records
4. append the new distinct data
I need to reference "Microsoft vbscript regular expressions 5.5", so I can use RegExp object.
The path for that is c:\winnt\system32\vbscript.dll\3
I could do it in Access 2000 (cause it's already show on the reference list, p.s. you couln't type in the path, it won't recognize the...
I have created a QBF, which depends on what the search criteria users enter into the form. The form variables
will be feed into the query criteria dynamic.
The problem is I want the user be able to search based on the date, there're startdate and enddate on the search form,
and those are all...
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