i won to show only picutre not video or video conference. only picture like some new mobile phones with camera when save the picture in some people when they call to you picture show on the display on your mobil phone i won to make this but on the ip phones.
I have CCM 4.0 but i stil can't make this. do you have this coding and what is necessary to do to show only picture at this time i don't won to play video on this phones. only picture whan some one call.
how can i set background images for phone 7970 i have som problems and i don't know what to do . I do step by step from cisco documentation but don't work i have put two pics in C:\Program Files\Cisco\TFTPPath\Desktops\320x212x12\ and also put in List.xml URI and nothing.
OK here is the info
i have Call manager
i have lot of ip phones
i have this 7970 ip phone it is with colore display and etc
i won to make when someone call to this phone 7970 to display on the display picture of the person or picture asciated to phone nummber. examle
i call my nummber is 713...
i have some The Cisco IP Phone 7970G in my office so here is the question. How can i make when i call to phone 7970G to display a picture of the person who call to this phone
the pictures will be stored of cource.
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