Got it to work in a standard text box, although it divided the results where I actually want it to show the two numbers. Is there something in Access07 that doesn't allow you to modify a label on the form? Could have sworn I'd done it on previous versions this is what I have that works in the...
Ok tried that, didn't work. Here is what I have, it is in the On Update of ClassCmbo
StudentRatio = "Form!Class_Query.DCount" / "Form!Class_Subform.ClassCmbo.Column(5)"
Class Query is a form built on a query of the same name and Class_Subform is the location I am attempting to put this.
Need to display the number of records in Query subform over a result based on a combo box in a different subform so that it looks like this "# of records/combo result". Preferably into a label box.
Thought it might have looked something like this but I am obviously wrong cause its not...'s my problem. I have a series of forms created in a file that all point to a table in another database. As such I linked that table to the current file. Problem is whenever the users go to open the file on a new system it says that the linked table couldn't be found so I have to open...
Runtime Error 2046
The Command or action Save Record isn't available now.
Anybody know why this error might be coming up? I have it set as a OnClose event.
When I go to debug it highlights the entire DoCmd action.
Private Sub Form_Close()
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu...
Got it to work after playing around with the coding a bit. Do you happen to know if there is a way to put what serial number is going to be deleted into the message box that comes up when it comes up? Btw Thx ALOT for all the help.
The only thing I can think of...mind you I'm not 100% Access savy, but if memory serves having "Data Entry" set to yes automatically sets the form to add a new record.
I posted it into my OnClick intead of after Update because I wanted to control when the form closed and deleted the record. Thing is it didn't work. I changed what you had as Sign_Out_Date to fld310_Recieved because I want that field to control whether or not the record is deleted from...
Only check boxes I have are in my "Add Equipment" form, "Update Equipment" form and TableA(ITAMS) and these are to indicate whether the equipment is classified or not. The form we were working on had nothing to do with the check boxes. But I think that what you posted will work, and if not it...
I'm trying it but not exactly getting it to work. This is what my coding looks like. I have it as an OnClick action. Its not liking the * I am wanting it to delete anything From TableA(ITAMS) that is in TableB(Equipment_Tracking) that has a date in field 310 Recieved. Then save...
Jedel....this may make me sound stupid but I've never used a delete query....haven't even touched Access in over 4 years. I might need ya to spell this out a little more.
That will work for one thing I'm wanting to do, so thx Jedel but how would I delete a record from TableA while pulling all the information out of TableB. Because what I'm working on now is I have one form that posts the information into TableB when I ship the item out. What I'm wanting is to be...
:o) Guess its a good thing that in TableA my pk doesn't allow duplicates seeing as its serial numbers and the last thing I want to do is track multiple events of the same equipment. Thx Jedel, gonna see if this works.
Maybe you can help me with this one too. A form along the same basic lines. Except on this one I'm wanting to basically delete the record from TableA (ITAMS) while I post the same three fields that I was working with before into TableB (Equipment Tracking). Or is there a way to simply move the...
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