Thank you mstrmage1768 - you are fantastic! It works perfectly with the exception of 3 Bank Holidays which it is ignoring for some bizarre reason. These are uk dates of course but it is ignoring: 9 Apr 04 ("9/4/04"), (12 Apr 04 ("12/4/04") and 3 May 04 ("3/5/04")...
Hi Michael
I tried to use your code but I have Access2000 which didn't recognise the dim dbs as Database or the FindFirst or Nomatch method. As you can gather I have a very basic understanding of VBA and don't know how to get round this in Access. I changed tactics and changed over to a...
Thanks for your help Rollie but it is still only counting one day less on the working days (ie 8 April 2004 to 9 April 2004 counts as 1 day when it should be 2). Also it is still not including bank holidays that are in the table. I've even tried american dates in case it was that but where...
Hi Rolliee
I have tried to work this function and have added the relevant UK dates. However this works on a form when called in the Control Source on the calculating no of days field, but am not sure if this is the right place to call?
Also It works when there is one bank holiday but where...
Thanks for this - still doesn't work though. The fields I have on my form are:
cmbStart1 (unbound cmbo box that brings up Active X Calendar) - this is my start date
cmbEnd1 (as above) - this is my end date
txtDays - this is where I want to put the difference in working days between...
Thanks mstrmage1768. How would I apply to my fields on the form though? Where would the code go on my form and how would I declare the variables as my Start, End and Number of days fields?
I am trying to calculate the working days difference between 2 dates. I have set up a calendar form to do this which will enter the dates and date difference in a table by inputting into unbound combo boxes which bring the calendar up when clicked. Whatever dates and date difference is in...
Hi Dean
Thanks for your reply. I have copied over the the C: drive but there seems to be no check box with the read only option described. I cannot get into the Dbase properties - error message "Access unable to load database properties".
In the past I have just created a new db...
I have imported forms in from a CD and now the VBA code doesn't work on any of the command buttons. When I change the form it also won't let me save - it just doesn't do anything (no warning msg)
How can I resolve this and why does this happen?
Many thanks for the macro. It wouldn't work as it was saying variable wasn't defined so took out the "Option Explicit" from the top of the VBA sheet.
It then wouldn't work with the "Stop" in your code but did when I deleted the word ("Stop"). Bizarre!
Cool - that would be great! I am currently playing round with the Query facility as this seems to work! Haven't tried to get it into a macro yet though!
This kind of works but you can't put the calculated field (to select only those comments that belong in the 1 or 2 grade catogory) in until you have created the pivot. It also won't let me select only those grades with 1 or 2 as it selects all grades but just puts them into order of...
Correct. The end result is a list of comments (one after the other if poss) that match grades 1 or 2 (Strengths list. This list doesn't need to be in grade order - just one after the other within the 1 or 2 category.
I will also be doing a second list for grades 5,6, and 7 (Priorities...
Yes that is correct. More than one instance of grade then a unique comment.
I'm also looking to eliminate the blank lines in between the grades as the grades are not sorted in order so another instance may fall half way down the spreadsheet etc.
Thanks for this. However it is now returning all comments regardless of what the number is on sheet1. Where is "A2" that you referred to? Do I need to create a number table in A2 down to Awhatever on sheet2?
Thanks for coming back.
It may be 1 instance of the grade & comment combination but it is a free text field so I guess the potential is there to use the same comments eg "As before" or something!
Hope this helps
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