Ok stupid question-
I am trying to do something which is essentially
If form is open, then
do this.
And i can't seem to figure out how to determine with VBA coding if the form is open or not. ARGH... help!!!????
Rachel, Compensation Analyst
Thanks! I am going to do some futzing around with it and see if i can get it to work.. :)
could you please elaborate? I am not sure how i could accomplish that. I have tried messing with the Keep Together property, with no luck. Thanks!
Ok... dumb question. I have a report which needs to have a certain section snapped to the bottom of the last page of the report (and kept together). I have tried a variety of things, but nothing really works. So here is the lastest idea: have an unbound text box above the section which would...
thanks for the recordset stuff... i will look at it the scripting.
As far as DLookup goes, I can't use that because it would use whatever the most current information in the table instead of just grabbing the content at the time. For instance, employees come and go. If they are not on the...
hmmm.... well i am the first one to admit i dont know how to go about doing your SELECT query suggestion. Would you mind terribly showing me an example? Thanks!
Alrighty... i used to use this method when we had Access 97 and now i can't find the solution in 2000 + XP. Basically what i am trying to do is when a user enters an employee ID in the form, it runs an update query which grabs other employee data from a different table and updates the fields in...
ok... i tired that... same problem occurs :( . I have this feeling i have to do something with the format of the field which is the addition of the months to the start date field. Becuase it appears that it is only using the MONTH part of date to get the query results.
Thanks for trying...
Ok... this is very VERY odd and i can't figure out why it is doing this. Please keep in mind this is someone else's access database that i am trying to update and clean up.
Basically there is a field which tracks the start date of a health care benefit called COBRA, a field which tracks the...
Thank you FlyOver i will try that out.
I am trying to figure this out as a favor to someone else :)
TheAceMan, CompAnalyst refers to Compensation Analyst. No need to be rude :P
Ok... so I am trying to figure out the code to create an intelligent "order number" which would be in the format of "MMYY-0001" which would reset the "0001" back to one at the start of the next month. The way i was going to go about doing this was to basically use the today function and cull...
hmmm... basically what i want is for the MAIN form to scroll with the SUBFORM. Does that make sense? At the current moment what is happening is that i am entering data and tabing through the subform, and the view or position on the main form is remaining the same. Make sense?
Alrighty, I am feeling like an idiot. I have a series of subforms which corolate to months (don't ask its a silly way of doing it but its what the client wants :P) and the subforms happen to be quite long... so when i tab through, the form itself doesn't move. I have to manually drag the...
hmmm... ok... but the subreports are pretty short, i just dont want it broken up when it displays. If i make it force a new page wont that give me a very long report??? thank you for the suggestion, though :)
Ok... i have been beating my brains out trying to figure out how to keep the header with the detail of multiple subreports. Anyone have any idea?
The KeepTogether Property is not helping me for some reason. The background on this project is that it is a Job Description that has many sections...
Ok... ya ya... i know it's me again. This time I have been trying to keep a series of subreports together.... I have the Keep Together property set to "Whole Group" on all the subreports (there are 12). The series of subreports are actually sitting in the report footer section...
OOOOOOH PaulBricker, you superstar it WORKED!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I have no idea why the other ways didn't work.... BUT YOURS DID!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEAM!!!!! RAH RAH!
let's see.... um.... as far as other code... the only thing that i think might be odd is the PageFooter property of the form might be set incorrectly... right now it is set as "Not with rpt header". Other than that... i can't see why it wouldn't work.... :(
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