vba code to sort data
from largest to smallest starting at C44 ( C43 is the header)
then from largest to smallest starting B44 ( B 43 is the header)
That does not allow you to upload an attachment! that just makes you put in a url!!
I want to browse my hard drive to pick a file, not just give you a url
How can I force a certain sheet to start everytime a user oepens a spreadsheet.
Also, How do I lock the macros and buttons so a user cannot just right click and changes things.
Thank you
This runs great in 03 version, and one little problems happens in the 07 veriosn. I am begging for help.
When you run it for the first time. The infromatoin starts in A44 ( that is right )
the second time arround.
It starts itself in A43 ( that is very very bad)
Pleas help. I dont have 07...
Two options buttons
one called yes, and another called no
when yes is clicked
object.graph("acutep) datalabels values are on
when the no is clicked, then the datalabels values is turned off.
Thank you for any help you an provide.
that is all i needed, one set of fresh smart eyes
THank you thank you
I have been stuck here for two days.
I had it as < AND >
that is so stupid, I cannot have a numbeer to be smaller than and at the same time bigger than a number...
I am having nightmares
This is suppose to satrt at last row
if the value in that row (intFound) is bigger than or equal to intFirstNum
and if the same value is smaller than or equal intSecond
Then leave it alone and go one row up, otherwise
delete that current row.
intRow = 44...
I have a code to display a msg box when
rivate Sub MainTestComboBox_Change()
it is a simple msgbox "things change"
but it is not working?? any ideas why?
My delete entire row is not working. Any ideas
intRow = 44
For intRow = intLastRow To intRow Step -1
intFound = Cells(intLastRow, intCol).Value
If intFound >= intFirstNum Then
If intFound <= intSecondNum Then
First post here, Looking forward to meeting new people.
Any ideas what is wrong with this code.
intRow = 44
For intRow = intLastRow To intRow Step -1
intFound = Cells(intLastRow, intCol).Value
If intFound >= intFirstNum Then
If intFound <=...
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