Thanks for your post. The reports are part of a larger application that already has a user interface with Crystal. I think that a new data field in the database that identifies the possible date formats is warranted here.
Per your suggestion, the reports would use the new field from the...
I'm sorry for any confusion in my original post. Maybe I can clarify it a bit.
The reason that I referred to the Windows ShortDate format was to obtain the sequencing of the month, day, and year for any user that has my report definition. My interest is getting Crystal to print dates using a...
I need to distribute a report that contains a number of date columns. As a result, the maximum number of report positions that I want to use is 8 (ex. mm/dd/yy). But, the recipient of the report definition may be located around the world where the proper format can be dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd...
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