Hi Tom
This is my second experience with SOAP and XML and believe me, the first one was much worse than this and is still ongoing. I will try and answer your questions.
I am not exactly sure what they are doing on their end to be honest. We are passing them member survey data which they then...
Again, is this a publicly published web service?
I believe the answer to that question is no, they control access by IP.
The service is far from complete and as I think I stated before they are using us to beta test, something that to me would qualify them as "showing callous disregard...
I did get a number of xsd documents from them, one for each of the web service transactions. I know they are XML schema's but that is about all, would they use these instead of a WSDL, or can you have them and a WSDL?
Confused? I should be :)
OK I think things are beginning to make more sense now, this is very close to the excuse I was given "so as not to confuse the processing of the 'SOAP stack'", here is their excuse "The String that contains the XML transaction must be encoded so it does not interfere with the XML of the SOAP...
I can now see that not only was the XML in my first post incorrect but my question was too loosely worded as well, please forgive me. If I may, I'll try again.
Given the examples I have shown above;
<user emailAddress="user@domain.com" />
Would this be correctly formated and...
Tsuji if you have you right and to be honest I am far from sure I do, the example you give above assumes that the string is inserted into a textarea of an html page. The client I am working with has a "Web Service" I have to pass XML with the angle brackets encoded as per your example and I get...
Tom here is a line that to me proves I am dealing with a confused person, I changed the data to protect the innocent. As you can see they are not encoding the quotes, just the angle brackets. I am going to try and get them to at least pass back valid XML but I'm not that hopeful, believe it or...
Thanks for the response. To be clear I'm not really looking for any help with the XML, if I have to I'll work it out, it can't be that hard. I guess what I'm trying to establish is this, first is what the client is using here valid XML and two if it is why, why would you encode the...
I'm sorry I really don't get this. If XML is supposed to be very strict in the way you use and write it, how can you just encode or not encode parts of it as a personal preference. The client not only wants me to pass the XML in this way but they return it in that format as well. The Java parser...
I'm sorry I did make a bit of a mess of the XML in my first post, It should have been thus;
I am still confused, are you saying it is legal...
I am fairly new to XML and I'm working with a client who is using a form of XML I have never seen before, I was wondering if anyone here had? As you can see they are encoding the angle brackets of the tags and I have no idea why!
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