Hi Experts,
I have some difficulties to perform Windows ASR recovery. I can perform ASR recovery on windows server successfully whenever I had a full level backup. However, I try to perform ASR recovery with level 1 (other than full backup), the ASR still gone thru with some files missing. Can...
Hi Experts,
Does anyone tried check-ps (a software to check hidden processes) before? I have face installation difficulities here. Some errors on cfg_smtp.h file. Please advise. Thanks.
Hi Morsing,
It's work! Thanks your expertise. I have tried out minicom, it's quite useful. Some other suggest me to use Kermit or Cu. Did you use them before?
Hi experts,
I am a linux beginer, I am facing establish direct serial cable connection in order to get a router console, which is a notebook connected to a cisco router with a direct serial cable. In windows, we just need to use the Hyper Terminal software to establish this connection. It's...
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