I have a PIX 515E with 2 active interfaces. We have a class B address, so the inside and outside interfaces both start with the same two octects (eg: outside/141.158.2.x -inside/141.158.3.x) . Are there any problems with creating access-lists, crypto maps, etc that state on either...
How do I view what traffic is being dropped from a drop rule within a dynamic IPSEC rules. I do not know what all services are needed to access this resource on our internal network without being able to see what is being dropped. Any thoughts?
Notes about my config:
The RA-VPN pool works without any issues. I am unable to login to the "test-deny" group. If I remove the restriction to the 64.1 device, I am then able to log in to the group. I am creating this config mostly through the PDM.
Cisco PIX Firewall Version...
I am trying to create VPN Remote Access groups with limited access to our network. When I have the IPSEC rules allowing anything, it works without any problem. But as soon as I restrict the selected IP Pool to a specific resource, I am no longer able to log in. If I put a drop rule in...
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