I modified the code as per below...I still can't get it to check for the images on the sheets. I was planning to add this into the Survey sheets "change" Section, so that the check boxes will be up to date as much as possible. So I guess maybe I should try to approach from a different...
well, I played with the shapes collection last night and did not have any results, actually it didn't do anything...so I made some changes, and still nothing would fire. So I removed the error handler to see what was going on...
Set spCB = SumSheetObject.CheckBoxes.Add(1, 1, 1, 1)
skip, your just a father on this stuff for me. I pray that you will be here in the future with more of my stumbling code... :) I appreciate your tips. Yes, the double lines on the top and left code was a mistake. It, however didn't produce any errors, so I just overlooked it. It was suppose to...
Well I am onto part 2 of my project, and am trying to get some more code to work. here is what I am doing: I want to have a checkbox representing each subsequent sheet all on one sheet. The checkbox value will be 1 if pictures exist on subsequent sheets, and 0 if no image exists. Also, I keep...
ok, I think I got everything working smooth. I just through in a delete shape routine after the next statement. So after all the pics have been added, it just goes to that ref sheet and removes what ever picture was added. So its not ideal...but its a decent workaround. It gets me to my goal. So...
ok..URIKA! by adding the worksheet command into the string when ref the cell I get accurate picture inserts.
strFilePath = (ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ("\Pictures\") & (w.[b4]) & (".jpg")
so one last question....how do I remove the first 2 sheets from the collection of worksheets. The...
ok, I played around with your code to try and find what it is that your telling me. so I fixed the above code (simple version) with this change
MsgBox (w.[a1])
so I have to asign the sheet to the object when running the code in the FOR loop???? To me it just dosnt make any sense, It should be...
I am using the worksheet module. I don't understand what you mean "make a leap"... I don't think that you are understanding my problem. when I execute the code, it does not go to the NEXT sheet. Here is an example of the problem I am facing in a simple version:
Sub nextsheet()
Dim w As...
but im not looking to write any values to any cells or write the sheet name to any cell. I am trying to grab a picture from a folder and post it to a sheet Where the value in cell b4 is that of the picture name, if there is no value in b4, then there should not be any picture posted to the...
ahh, you were refereing to the gonext being inside the "For each" command...well I could not get it to proceed to the next sheet to do the code.
thats why I did up the gonext function and then tried to force it to go to the next page before it started over...I dont know...I ahve played with it...
well i might be wrong, but my understanding is that Worksheets is a collection, so when I dim w As a worksheet, then I am saying for each worksheet in the collection of worksheets. That was my thinking when I wrote that....
I am a bit confused with the prefixing "all cells"
I have - [b4] as...
which 2? the first 2 blocks of code? or the first 2 lines of the "go next" function?
thanks for your help...im going to go play with the gonext function to test it out, if that was what you were tipping me too...
alright I have an excel file that is macro enabled. I have module code that runs through each sheet and adds a picture in a specified directory that has the same name in a specific cell.
so basically i can fill in all my data for my report and then when I am done, I can hit the addpic macro to...
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