i've tried your suggestion and although the message box appears when there is no records, the empty form still appears after you close down the message box.
i want to open the form and display records, but if there is no record in the form i don't want to display form. what properties are available to recognise when a form's recordset is null?
That works if either the FROM date or TO date im checking fall between a FROM date or TO date already in the database but i dont think it pulls the records where the dates im checking start before the FROM date and end after the TO date, even though they still conflict. I should explain the...
i need a query to check two dates on a form (a date range) against the date ranges already in a table for conflictions.
Basically i need to return records where any of the dates in the date range on the form conflict beteen any of the dates in the database.
if the form date range was [DATE...
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