I changed that and it's bringing back the correct number for the Mos_Contracted, but not summing the two separate columns correctly for the first 12 months and second 12 months.
Sample Sales 1st 12 Sales 13-24
Name Hired mths hired mths hired
Johnson 8/1/2008 16,000 885
Smith 7/28/2008 50,000 2,000
Brown 1/1/2009 8,000
A sample is listed above with the names and their hire dates. On my table I...
Using Crystal Reports XI R2 reading DB2 database.
I am working on a formula that takes a person's hire date and compares it to the end date of a date range parameter. I have two columns that I need to Sum based on this. The first column needs to sum their sales based on the first 12 months...
I tried your suggestion, but wasn't able to get it to work. I need each date section to be stacked. For example, I need a box with the headings for the date range at the top with the names listed under it, next I need the month to date headings with the names under it, then I need the...
I'm trying to get it to show something like this.
heading - 3/8/2009-07/31/2009 (parameters entered)
Smith $60.00
Johnson $45.00
Brown $70.00
heading - Month to Date
Smith $50.00
Johnson $10.00
Brown $30.00
heading - Year to Date
Smith $130.00
Johnson $65.00
Brown $120.00
Each of these...
Correction to my response above. If I put 1/1/09-08/14/09 in the parameters, the report comes back showing only the section with a Date Range. If I put in 08/01/09-08/14/09, it comes back with the Date Range and Year to Date sections of the report. I need it to show the Date Range, Month to...
Thanks for your response. Yes, that is the problem I am having. The report reads a DB2 table. I added the dataset in as an alias and it didn't pickup the date range section. It only showed the Month to Date and Year to Date. Thanks for you help.
Using Crystal Reports XI R2
I have a report with a grouping based on date. The date is setup as a formula for a date range, month to date, and year to date. I need the report to show a date range based on a start and end date parameter entered with a list of names and their total amount for...
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