Thanks all
I have tried to replace
open FILE2 with a SET KEY TO cPubVar (link with FILE1)
open FILE2 with a SET FILTER TO myFIELD=cPubVar
and it seems to be ok now but ugly !
I see that a grid with RecordSourceType="Alias" and RecorDSource as at table don't works wery well with empty data...
the message
Microsoft Visual FoxPro has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
i do this
add a data in the grid (INSERT INTO FILE2 VALUE (.....))
lauch a modal form ( dataenvironnement open/close file .F.) with 2 texts box.
I quit this form...
with VFP9 SP1 , big trouble in a FORM:
in LOAD : open FILE1 with buffering mode 5
open FILE2 with a SET KEY TO cPubVar (link with FILE1), buffering mode 5 also
in the Form i have a GRID2, properties :
RecordSource with FILE2
RecordSourceType "Alias"
I add a data in the grid...
I try to convert a VBA (Access 2000) function using a Comm Object (from Borland C++ 6) to VFP9.
This "function" use an array by address like this in VBA:
DIM mayarray as Long
i as Int
oCom.LauchMacro( i , myarray() ) ==> works
But in VFP
Public array myarray(1)...
With word 2000 SP1 i have a problem with formatting a numeric field from a foxpro(vfp6) datasource -(by ODBC).
With this number 39.07 display in Word 46 ( 39+7)
IF i don't use \#00.00 display in word 39 07 without the dot
Any idea about a solution
Do you know OpenOffice automation documentation ?
and some example with VFP ?
I have found some programs but not working well with Writer
I work with VFP9 and OpenOffice2
I use also VFP with Calc and it works fine.
Thanks for any suggestions you may have
Thanks to Pamela for the...
I have word automation with VFP9 that is using VFP calls to create Word merge documents.
I see that the name of the datasource "c:\testing\themerge.dbf" is writed inside the word documents.
If other people use this document, the directory to the data is not the same,like...
I use MOD() function but i have a problem comparing with calc. i try
With calc :
with Mod(60000000000000001/23)=0
in VFP Command Window
(i have changed the number of...
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