i am trying to transform a xml using xsl in asp.net page. my code like that.
Dim bb = xmlhttp.responseXML.xml
Dim dok As New System.Xml.XmlDataDocument
Dim trans As New System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform...
I am creating xml file in the code an i want to see it at the and. but when i send it to textbox i see > and < instead of < and >.
how can i change it??
Dim aa = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + _
goes like
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
i am working on a web based tool. it is connecting to remote servers and receives a XSD as a response. what i need for next level is elements from xsd. here is the sample part of xsd
<xsd:element name="park" type="myns:park_Type" substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature"/>
i am populating a html select from xml using xslt. what i need is assigning the selected value from <select> to a variable.
which test shloul i do to check if which option is selected?
here is my selector
<select id="SRSSelector">
<optgroup label="Available SRS">
i have xslt containing some hyperlinks. i need to add some variables to url's as querystring. those variables will come from labels on the page.
ok how can i retrieve those values from textboxes using javascript in xslt. i found some links but couldnt achieve. browser is not running javascript...
i want to get values from xml and transfrom it via xsl. for a value of element i want to create a hyperlink. but link should contain a value from other element as querystring. how can i do that?? i tried to create a variable and add it to href. but no way, i miss something...
i am sending request to server and receiving xml response from server. part of xml is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <csw:Capabilities version="2.0.0" xmlns:csw="http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"...
address is one element of xml. i will need to extract all elements from xml. address was one example. for example i need to get the value of "ServiceType" and others as well
Thanks for help manarth... but couldnt achieve extracting value from xml tag. sorry i am not an expert.... here is the part of my xml file...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<csw:Capabilities version="2.0.0"
I am receving xml file from a server via javascript. i can populate all xml file to a textbox. but,
is it possible to get the values from xml tags to populate the textboxes with that values?? if yes how
for example i have an element in xml file as "address". i want to get the value of that...
hi, i have a textbox which is populated by javascript on the client side. but, i want to start a sub on server side when javascript changes the text, like autopostback. this textbox will be hidden so there is no way to control it with keyboard. is there a way to trigger that when text is...
hi. i am now drawing rectangle over an image. when user mousedown left click and moves to another point i can get the coordinates of the starting point. but i want to get the coordinates of the points where mouseup event occurs at the end of the move... is there a way??
function move(e){
now i am trying to get the coordinates of the cursor on the image for onmousedown and onmouseup. however i can just get the onmousedown coordinates. user should click and move cursor like dragging and i wonna get the coordinates of the start and end point coordinates.
but it is really strange...
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