i'm going to look for that HP VL2 display driver
and will say you if I success...
thank's to all of you !!!
while I was writing this post,
I was installing Word6
and at the end, Word reboot itself
and at the reboot, it has keeped SVGA parameters !!!
I thought it was "auto-repair"...
I have to warn you that this is a pre-historic problem !! lol
to help a friend who bought a "good bargain computer"
(nineties museum computer : 486 at 50MHz, 8Mo Ram, HDD211Mo...)
I found the 3+27 floppy disks to install DOS6.22 and win95
and every thing seemed to work...
win95 is doing...
personnaly, I create a new colonn in my query
where my reports looks :
and then in the report, you can group by dateYYMM
(parts of my Access are in french,
so translation of functions can be a little diffrent
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