xyxex (TechnicalUser) 19 Mar 09 7:51
I have a piece of code that checks a value entered in a textbox is numeric.
Private Sub txtTargetInc_Change()
If HasNumber(txtTargetInc) = True Or txtTargetInc = "" Then GoTo OUT
End Sub
I want to re-use this code for all numeric fields by...
Have tried your suggestions but I am getting an "object" Required error "424".
Appearing here "errchk(txttargetinc)"
Private Sub txtTargetInc_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
ErrChk (txtTargetInc)
If txtTargetInc = "" Then GoTo oUT
Range("expprem7").Value = Range("expprem").Value *...
I have a piece of code that checks a value entered in a textbox is numeric.
Private Sub txtTargetInc_Change()
If HasNumber(txtTargetInc) = True Or txtTargetInc = "" Then GoTo OUT
End Sub
I want to re-use this code for all numeric fields by bringing the control name into the...
The Control is a textbox. each one is named "txtrate" + number eg ""txtrate2"
They are on a userform named "ufCovedet"
They are populated by referencing a shreadheet name "data" with Range named "rate" + number "a" eg "rate2a"
I want to populate via a loop "txtRate2" from data held in Range...
The problem seems to stem from VBA's requirement that named ranges must be referred to in quotes("").
I am guessing it is something to do with "DIM as" If I Dim as Range newtext2 retuns as =0, if i Dim as String newtext2 returns as "data!rate2a" but Range wont accept as valid.
I am trying to write a loop that will populate a group of named worksheet cells.
my code is
Private Sub Rate_Change()
'update rates when one is changed
Dim i, Text As String, newtext As String, Text2 As String, NewText2 As String, h
Text = "txtrate"
Text2 = "data!rate"...
I have a number of textboxes on a user for that I need to perform the same action on. I am trying to write a loop that will take a common part of the name and add a numbe to the end. This new text then becomes the textbox name
Private Sub Loop1()
Dim Coretext, Newtext
Coretext = "Textbox"
For i...
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