Here is the code I am using:
' Get the root of the XML tree.
Set oRoot = oDoc.DocumentElement
' Go through all children of the root.
For Each oOrder In oRoot.ChildNodes
' Collect the attributes
Set oAttributes = oOrder.Attributes
Set oItem = oDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes(6)
'Loop through...
Thanks for the reply. I looked at XMLImport on the msdn site, but not sure that it is what I need. My understanding of XMLImport is that is imports all the data into a worksheet.
Would it help if I posted my code?
I am new to XML and am having a problem reading into Excel. What I am trying to do is get the ordernumber and each item from itemsordered. I don't have a problem with an order that only has one item, I am having a problem with an order that has multiple items.
This is what I expect to get...
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