Yahtzee!!! We have a winner!!!! Thanks for all your help everyone!!!
My hair can now relax as there is less likely hood it will be pulled out today!!!
Thanks again!
Bingo Turkbear...you hit the nail on the head. I did some digging and found that I was missing some .dll files. So we are copying the good computer's DLL's and will install them on my machine. Keeping my fingers crossed!
We searched both computers using crufl*.dll, *ufl*.dll, ufl*.dll, *ufl.dll, *.dll and did not find a single file on either computer that has those letters with wild card searches.
Dead end there.
Sorry the actually Error message I get is:
"A number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here."
The formula in which it references is:
x:= ParametersEvaluation({?Relative Date},{?Relative Time},{?Start Date},{?End Date},
{?Start Time},{?End...
I am unable to run reports out of Crystal Reports 2008. My coworker can run the very same report that I try to run. I have uninstalled Business Objects XI, and Crystal Reports 2008 to no avail. We are both using the same Business Views, the same actual .rpt file and everything. She can run...
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