I can load my varibles into my project from a .txt file.
I would like to make a change to a variable then save it back to the .txt file. Can this be done?
//I've tried:
oLv.var1 = "newValue" ;
oLv.send("vars.txt") ;
//But this doesn't seem to work...
What is not right with this code? I just can't get it to append.
var sNewRecord ;
sNewRecord = Doc_xml.createElement("tblCheckBook2000");
sNewRecord.attributes.DATE = "03/09/2003";
sNewRecord.attributes.CHECK_ID = "5000"...
I've heard that using the RETURN statement can boost performance because SQL Server will not create a recordset.
Where does the return statement go in my stored proc?
I'm using asp.net to call my stored procs.
Any input or syntax is much appreciated in...
Should I include the SET NOCOUNT ON statement in my stored procedures? What's the correct syntax?
I've head that this increase network performance. And, all of my stored procs are called from asp.net pages.
Thanks. Any input or syntax is much appreciated.
I have a column in a sql db that is filled with credit and debit values or + and - money values.
How do I return the sum total of the positives and the sum total of the negatives from one stored procedure
I can do this if I write 2 stored procedures...
I've done what all the "tids" say,
made an aspuser account and given it all the rights and properties to all the appropriate directories that all the tids said it should have.
edited the machine.config file and put the account it in the process model section .
It "ORDERS" my column by the month part of the date .
How do I get it to "ORDER" on the year part of the date.
This stored proc is being called from an asp.net app.
Implicit conversion from data type nvarchar to money is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
I'm passing a param to the stored proc from an asp.net text box or string variable.
CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_FindByAmount] @pAmount money...
Please can anyone show me the correct syntax on how to call a stored proc(requiring params) from a stored proc or let me know if it is even possible. I'm using MSDE and sql server 2000 sP2. ANY, examples would be most appreciated.
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