Here i am getting one probelm.Pl anybody can solve.My problem is that i have to get available software in the system.
i.e. what are the softwares installed in the system.
here i am using by capturing the control panel- add/remove program/install tab using shell function.
when i...
i got one porblem in crystal reports.could anybody can resolve it.
Actually i have to call stored procedure in crystal reports.For that i changes the options in crystal reorts->File->Option->SQL->stored procedure and Prompt.
After that when i connect to database thr odc its dispalying...
Here we are using on e3rd party control that is a ocx file now my problem is thathow can to call that ocx file in my asp page.
i used the object tag mentioning the classid its working on server but in client machine its giving probem if the ocx installed in client machine its working fine.how...
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