My group fields are as follows:
patient ID
Admit Date
Dsch Date
Length of stay
The results of my formulas for the second instant (same patient) is any free text that the user typed in that is flagged by my formula. There is one line of data per formula per patient.
Here is an example...
Thanks for the suggestion-
This is what I have done so far.
1 - I added the 'suppress if duplicate' to patientID and acct# fields
2 - I added 'suppress blank section' the format section of detail
3 - and added the MAX syntax to the detail section, X-2
I am working in the detail section.
Crystal 8.5
SQL Database
I have a report where I need to suppress data. In order to suppress lines that do not qualify for my formulas I placed a suppression in GF2 - which works. (I inserted summaries and used MAX to display my data in GF2).I also need to supress dupliate patient data (pt...
Crystal 8.5
SQL Database
Good Morning,
I am trying to calculate patient age by months. I have a patient date of birth field and am subtracting that date from a vst start date field to get current age.
@Age=Month({vst.vst_start_date}) - Month({pt.birth_dtime})
When the report runs, I just get...
Thank you so much for the help.
I used your first formula (I renamed the formula)
@Charge Validation
if {actv_detail_v.actv_cd} in ["1671007", "1671008", "1671014", "1671016"] then 1 else
if {actv_detail_v.actv_cd} in ["3610076", "3610079"] then 10000 else 0 ( I added the " " because I got an...
Crystal 8.5
SQL Database
I have to write a report where I need to group specific charge codes by date. For example:
Svc CD Svc Date Service DTotal (trying to get this #)
3610079 4/1/2005 1
1671008 4/1/2005
3610079 4/2/2005 1
1671008 4/2/2005
3610079 4/3/2005 1
1671008 4/3/2005
I now have another problem.
My formulas:
split({pract_mstr_orgz_v.pract_rpt_name},", ")[2]
split({pract_mstr_orgz_v.pract_rpt_name},", ")[1]
{@First Name}+' '+{@Last Name}
I successully 'seperated' the names, placed first name first and last name...
It worked - thank you very much for your help. Would like to gain more knowledge on formula syntax, any suggestions on reference books or web sites I can refer too? Again thank you for your help.
Crystal 8.5
Hello all,
I have written a report where my end user now wants fields not to be combined. I now need to trim out these fields.
For example: physician name (pract_rpt_name) has last name, first name. I need to seperate these names.
Also need address (addr_line1) which contains...
I am new to manual crosstabs. I looked for a sample and found thread149-548521 with which I believe to have a similiar issue. Using an Array was also mentioned.
So I used...
stringvar array nurseunit:=['2BR','3BR','4BR'};
stringvar array...
Crystal 8.5, SQL Database
I wrote a cross tab report where I am trying to display the number of patient discharges by nurse station by hour. Nurse station is on left and time range across top. I have a formula that converts the actual time into the 'hour' of discharge.
if {@hour} =...
I am trying your suggestion, just running into problems where some patients might have 4 SDS, then 1 SRC and 1GNC. I will let you know - thank you for your help.
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