can anyone please help. i can load a swf file using loadmovienum. and i have the file on level 3. the name of the file is beg.swf i can also unload it using a stop button using unloadmovie. however i want to create 2 more buttons that allow me to pause, and rewind. can anyone send me a...
please can you help. what i want to do is, load a swf movie which i can do. unload a swf movie i can do this also. but i want to control it. i have got various video type controllers but they need editing. i do not know how to pause, rewind, stop and play the loadmovie swf file. anyone got the...
thanks for your advice but im finding it really hard to edit. i want to tell the play button to load movie.? and still get the other buttons to rewind and so on. but all im getting is when i test movie is. a message saying loading movie 100%. i then have to go into control and tick play
thanks for your reply. i still have to work it out. but sure i will get there. just not sure how to edit it. i have tried but the movie doesnt start and the buttons arnt visable either. unless i goto control and start the movie from there. sorry to sound as though i dont know what planet im on...
hi thanks for the control player. however my swf files are being loaded using the load movie script. and the swf files are loading from elswhere if you know what i mean. will the controller work with loadmovie swf files? or am i better off importing the swf's onto the timeline. yours with many...
could you please tell me how to stop a swf file from playing after its started playing. what i have done is i have got a video of the band i play in and converted it to swf. now i can automatically load it and understand layers. i know how to unload it. i want to know how users can just stop the...
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