Thats just the thing it's not even grayed out. . It has totaly disapeard from the menu and has been that way for a couple of days now ive tried getting it to show up by using different image file formats but it hasnt showed up....
Im running CS1 on MAC OS X and when i import an image into indesign then go to OBJECT>CLIPPING PATH to cut the white background out of a photo it seems the CLIPPING PATH has disapeard from the OBJECT MENU and i dont know how to get it back. . .The images are grayscale and are either in JPG or...
I need to flow text around objects but need to keep each one in paragraph form such as this:
sale 1992 diesel
nice new tires
great condition
sale 1992 diesel
nice new tires
great condition
I need the objects to go in beween the classifieds without splitting...
We have to flow classified ads around the other ads, it flows just fine around our "place holders" but we dont want it to move again ounce its flowed around the place holders. Is there a way to lock text in place to keep it from moving again
When importing an ad into our paper layout it will sometimes "change" our spot color to where when you click on the spot color swatch the area where you select if you want RGB or CMYK it is greyed out to just CMYK, you can not change it, then the seperations do not print out right. . .any idea...
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