use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $c = new CGI;
my $theme = $c->param('choice');
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<"EOL";
From what I know, there are 4 ways you can pass data between pages.
1. GET
From what I know, there is no way to hide values in a GET and any values you 'hide' in html and pass with a POST can easily been seen by simply viewing source. COOKIES...
I'll take a shot here and give you a few simply steps that you could try.
1 --> Use Perl GD Module to save the signature as in image
2 --> Use PDF::API2 to generate a pdf document.
$pdf->saveas ( "/var/www/html/images/temp/mypdf.pdf" );
Clearly there is a lot of code missing...
Ive installed GD on several machines.
I specifically use GD to generate .gif bar graph images from a database for survey results. See if there is anything here that help you. (Output is to HTML)
use GD::Graph::bars;
my @data = (
["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
[ $tally_A, $tally_B, $tally_C...
Here is a snipped of code that I use to send attachments to an array of email addresses. Perhaps there is something in here that will help.
Here is an example of how I handle such things ...
$ROOT and $FILE_CLASSES are defined in my lib.pm file.
All of my recordsets are "|" deliminated
open (DATABASE, "<$root/$FILE_NAME") or
die("MESSAGE 100:<br>Unable to find [$FILE_NAME] Data File.");
flock (DATABASE...
Couldn't you also take your variable and switch the "/" with a "comma" and then pop off the last field?
if element_name is
/opt/asdfgwdq/dasdasd/Data_to_be_extracted_is here
then ...
@data = split /\//, $element_name;
$Data_to_be_extracted = pop @data;
Just a thot.
For those of you who do not know about or do not want to use additional modules you could also go thru the horrible steps of switching out the embedded comma for another symbol in each of your fields for each record :)
I've chosen to deliminate my records with the "|" symbol because of the...
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