Hi everybody,
I would like to know if someone could tell me if a debugger made to find memory leak problem exist for windows environment & if it's ok where i could find it? Some of my friends tell me about a software called "valgrind" which only works under linux environment!
...but, i would like to suggest it o you:
In my application, i have an "access violation" message which appear to this following line:
*(pHistoDBNorm+ j- *(pInflex+i)- *pInflex), when i=0 and j=16, just with this indications, you will tell me to check if th e allocation is well done...
Hi everybody
I don't understand why this morning when i tried to start my dialog based application, the message box has opened with the following message:
Uhandled exception in Fractal_v1_0.exe:0xC000005: Access Violation
So i've found that this problem comes from the following line of code...
I've created an application which automates excel 97 (thanks to the help of the microsoft supports articles Q178749, for example).
As i want to automate excel, with office 97, i need of the following library Excel8.olb. So, in my project I would fill some range in an excel worksheet, to do it i...
In the samples given on microsoft support (Q178749: HOWTO Create automation project using MFC and a type library) we have to select Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library if we use excel automation. But what could i do if i have office XP on my workstation?
thanks in advance
...called from code at 0x77f8629c"
and when i try to debug step by step (with F11 ) it calls this function:
void __cdecl operator delete(void* p)
#if !defined(_AFX_NO_DEBUG_CRT) && defined(_DEBUG)
_free_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK);
and the if condition is verified so...
I will try what you suggest to me, but beore doing it, i would like to know how i could solve the problem which break the program if there is not enough memory, because i think it was what happen?
in your post it's this condition:
if(pComptStartMineure == NULL || pComptEndMineure ==...
I ve read into an article (Q186120) of microsoft knowledge base, which explain how to fill a range with an array. But when i test it , it doesn't work really well. In fact, i don't realy understand how works the function called in the sample GetResize(), because when i test my application...
Hi everybody,
I would like to export data from a safearray to range in excel. So, ii've read the articles Q186120 which gives an explantion and an example to do it. I've tried to test it in my application, first i ve done simply in trying to put in a specific set of range the figure...
I have tried to test an application i have found into microsoft support, it's Q186120: "Use MFC to automate excel and fill a range with an array"
I have a problem when i try to run it at the following line:
saRet.PutElement(index, &d);
saRet.PutElement(index, v.bstrVal);
I have read some of microsoft tutorial about office automation. Now, i would like to fill a set of range with my application, a dialog box application. I have a set of data which are put into a dynamic array, and i would like to read all the value of the array in excel. Could i do it simply...
Hello everybody,
In a new application, which a dialog box application i have a message error which appears and which tell me:
" Unhandld exception in Fractal_v1_0.exe(MSVCRTD.DLL):0xC0000005:Access Violation"
(Fractal_v1_0 is the name of my project!)
So, i meet often the problem...
In my application i have a debug error message that occurs when i want to delete a pointer.
in the code:
int *pTabBinPort=new int[m_dlgAsset];
delete []pTabBinPort;
i do that at the end of a function, and when i do debug test when it arrives to this point a message error box arrives...
...with 3 different button which each of them call one and only one function.
For example the first, called OnLoadCorrel, put a whole matrix into a **pCorrel, the second one called On LoadVol, put a whole array into a *pVol. And, finally, the 3 function use the values needed coming from the...
it's the first time i try to create a dll application which could be used from excel. So i try to do it by creating a MFC dynamically linked dll, where i put a simply code for a simply function:
// The one and...
If i want to use automation in my application because a part of input data are in excel, it will be arrays, and as i want to return my result into excel's cells, i believe that i could use this method. But, now i have a question about how i could consider an array which is in excel? Could i use...
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