Recently my work updated to IE10. Previous to the update, I have a VBA project that was working flawlessly. The routine, opened a browser, navigated to a page, logged in to the site, entered some data into the online form, ".click"ed the submit button, worked it's way through the "Save As"...
...MMM YYYY')),AVG([TrendOrdVal]) AS [Average Order Value],AVG([TrendCF]) AS [Control Figure] FROM [StatsCurOrdValChart] GROUP BY (Year([TDate])*12 + Month([TDate])-1),(Format([TDate],'DD MMM YYYY'));"
'Since its a daily chart over a Fiscal Year, I used 366 as last row in the datasheet...
...MMM YYYY')),AVG([TrendOrdVal]) AS [AverageVal],AVG([TrendCF]) AS [ContFigure] FROM [StatsCurOrdValChart] GROUP BY (Year([TDate])*12 + Month([TDate])-1),(Format([TDate],'DD MMM YYYY'));"
The x-axis scale is set to a minor unit of 1 day and a major unit of 1 month. I want to use a minor of...
Opps... The last line should be...
fAgeYMD = intHold + 1
for it to work.
Inthold = number of months
but since it is billing, + had to add a month once the date entered into the next billing month.
For info... I finally found this function at the MS Script Repository...
It is a script that got me what I needed.
Function fAgeYMD(startdate As Date, EndDate As Date) As String
'Purpose: Returns the difference between StartDate and EndDate in full years, months and days
'Coded by...
I'm almost ashamed to ask this, but I searched and Can't find it here.
Its a simple thing...
I want to calculate the number of "Payments" due or overdue.
(I'm removing the form information to make it easier to read.)
If ContractInitialPayment > Date Then
PaymentsDue = 0
Someone knows a quick one line answer to this... The question is, "Who?"
I'll make it multiple choice/Fill in the blank...
Possible Answers:
A: No
B: Yes
if answer = "B" then
me!Fillin.Value = "Control Name: " & [Put Control Name Here]
end if
Dhookom's solution is definately more eloquent than mine, but I'm a hack and my way helps me see exactly whats going on where when the code gets longer and longer.
Private Sub Add_AfterUpdate()
If forms![Form25]![Form26]!Add = -1 then 'Checked
forms!Form25!ACS = "Paid"
Else 'unchecked
forms!Form25!ACS = "Pending"
End if
End Sub
As a side, I would take dhookom's advice and make the control name more unique.
This one was a tough one to title...
What I am looking for is a Control (ActiveX or otherwise) to simulate expanding and contracting individual records on a form.
I don't think TreeView will fit the bill due to field lables and interface objects I use for asthetics (Filled Rectangle Backrounds...
I generate a dynamic spreadsheet from Access. It works perfect except I do my MATH in access and just pass the result to Excel.
Like this:
wks.Cells(iRow, X) = LColMinor
LColMinor contains a sum of specific data.
What I want to do is pass the formula to make the spreadsheet updateable...
Bob, Thanks for the comment. I realize that the network is the cause of the issues, my gripe is that, even in Design Mode, ACC2007 treats the form as if it were live accessing queries and control data needlessly.
I believe that MS "Knows" this and that was the reason for the new "feature"...
Its a sizable database with links to several data sources... Could I write a script to autolink back and forth from Production to Active? Sure I could, but dang it... I shouldn't have to!
Sadly, I have a persistent connetcion to the main data source via a hidden form. (That was...
Well... Wait a tick. While MOST things continue to operate as normal, there are changes that can affect your 2003 database. Especially if you Transfer data from the database to spreadsheets.
The upgrade seems to break the TransferSpreadsheet function. It can be fixed (using object calls and...
Opps.. Didn't see the Sub form to sub form thing...
You'd have to use the fully qualified path:
forms!mainform!sfrmContServicesSum.RecordSource = "qryContServicesSum"
Wouldn't another possible fix be to reapply the record source of sfrmContServicesSum OnUpdate of sfrmHavcItems?
Kind of forced a requery?
OnUpdate of the "Cost" Control:
Me!sfrmContServicesSum.RecordSource = "qryContServicesSum"
Its worked for me in the past.
Just asking.
I've have searched for several days to find an answer to this and I have tried many dubious "fixes" with no joy.
My database was designed in Access 2003. It is a Front End/Back End setup. The back end resides on a shared network resourse. I have not updated to 2007 File Format...
LOL! I was just doing the same thing... Found THIS on MSDN...
If objSession Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Must first create MAPI session and log on"
Exit Function
End If
Set objRecipColl = objSession.AddressBook(Title:="Select Attendees", _
forceResolution:=True, _...
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