From the command line;
attrib -r [drive:] [path] [filename]
From the user interface:
File | Properties
Wisdom doesn't always come with age. Sometimes age comes alone.
(you're never too old to learn)
...== WM_PAINT)
std::auto_ptr<TCanvas> canvas(new TCanvas());
canvas->Handle = GetDC(Handle);
ReleaseDC(Handle, canvas->Handle);
2) Use a custom method to manipulate TCanvas functionality (in this example the...
A few points to consider off the top of my head:
- Is the header file syntax correct ?
- Is the file naming correct ?
- Have you added the source code file to the project ?
- Does the project know where to find any required include or library files ?
Hope this helps...
I have a solution of sorts.
I simply deleted all traces of TChart v6 off my system and went with the 'standard' v4 TChart that comes with Builder.
I was using an evaluation version of TChart v6 and even building with run time packages etc didn't make any difference. Steema software has some...
This is NOT an answer (sorry), I am simply intrigued myself.
The button's label is an AnsiString and in my knowledge I don't know how to insert a new line character into (essentially) a single line string.
Perhaps you could derive a component from a TButton where that component's caption is a...
I assume here a TThread.
Mark Cashman ( ) I think describes it very well.
"Synchronize is a special function provided by TThread. It acts like a critical section for accessing forms controlled by the main thread (the thread which is represented by your Project...
I am investigating the use of a TChart component and want to use data (derived from another object) in a corresponding TLineSeries.
From the help files etc, it seems that the AddXY() method is what I should use. Using the debugger stepping functions, I have ensured that the values are being...
I have seen Enterprise being used. The impression I get is that with Enterprise you have more options with the component libraries. 3rd party manufacturers have licensing deals with Borland to ship their product along with the environment's functionality.
It depends what you want to acheive. In...
From what I understand about this code fragment; the object MyLess (struct is really a public class) doesn't know what a 'Person' is and any comparison operations between MyLess and Person types need to be defined and known to MyLess.
Wisdom doesn't always come with age. Sometimes age comes alone.
As far as I am aware, you should be able to do this. You will need to look at the hardware (UART registers etc) and see what corresponds with pin 5. Then you will need to program the register (via its address) to get a result on the pin you are after.
You can certainly do this in C++ (or any...
If you want to know about the C++ language, then who better to ask than the man who invented it (Mr Bjarne Stroustrup that is).
Try this link (or do a search for others):
The API functions given in the thread example will be available with Borland's implementation of the WindowsAPI or even have VCL (encapsulation) equivalents to make life easier:)
I would think that the canvas of the TImage would be a good place to start, eg - Image1->Canvas->Draw(...)
Any forum is only as good as the people who are participating at the time.
The people who ask questions should ask sensible ones that are thought out and provide all the relevant information including a descriptive question title.
The people who provide answers should do so to the best of...
I have corrected the problem (but what the problem actually was I still don't know). The best I can think of is some sort of conflict within the IDE.
For those who may be interested, to fix the problem:
I removed the component from the pallete and the component's package lib from the design...
Can anyone give me some tips on debugging a component during design time ?
I have a descendent of TLabel (TMyLabel) and have introduced one new property. At run time, I can set a value for the new property (eg - TMyabel->NewProperty = SomeValue) and get the result I want.
From this I...
It would think it depends on your background. Having come a 'C' background (and now C++) my personal preference is for C++ Builder. The other reason behind this is that I have never been exposed to Pascal or Object Pascal and don't really have any desire to learn it. The intracacies and nuiances...
sniffsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP);
and then call bind() with this raw socket:
bind(sniffsock, (SOCKADDR *)&if0, sizeof(if0));
we then go into Promiscuous mode and recieve all of the packets by calling WSAIoctl() with SIO_RCVALL set:
I've figured the answer for those interested. The following is the amended code for the 'delete' part (the most obvious things stare you in the face but you still can't see them).
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
delete [] buffer[index];
That's all.
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