I have a machine runs win2000. I changed the year to 2006, now I cant log in DC. I don´t have password for administrator. I need to conect a machine using REGEDIT and the IP machine, then I will change the key registry, but I don´t know the key I need change.
Thanks a lot.
I had think to login like a administrator in machine domain, but I couldnt, because someone changed a password. My problem is my machine belongs a wide network. more than 20.000 machines, and theres was only one solution for this case. Conect a machine using REGEDIT and the IP, then I will...
I´ve changeded the year to 2006 machine rusn win2000. Now I cant login because doesn´t have sincronization with primary server. I need change it using regedit. How can I do this?
I need to put into a cell a NEGATIVE HOUR like this:
-01:10:00, .
Because I need to calculate a amount of extra hours , but some times the hour is negative, so how can I do this??
Thanks a lot
I`m using vba code in excel to get data from a page internet like this :
Sub Macro1()
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;http://www.tek-tips.com", _
.Name = "tek-tips"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False...
Í´m have OFFICE 2000.
When I try to run a MACRO in Access 2000 - I received the msg: ERROR COMPILATION DON´T HAVE REFERENCE LIBRARY OR PROJECT. Teh erro occur in the functions MID or TRIM .
Thanks for help
I'm using improt data from workbook excell. My Office is 2000 and my OS is NT 4.0 workstattion.
When I try to i,mpor data I received this msg: "error loading DLL"
This is my code:
Set dbs = CurrentDb --->>HERE IS THE MSG
Set RSCOV = dbs.OpenRecordSet("cadastro")
I need a help for this,
I wrote a macro in Extra Enterprise 2000, it sends keys into EXtra, and capture some screens. ok. But how can I run the macro automatically, or better, how can I schedule the macro ???
I need help.
I want to run a macro in excel, I"m using auto_open, but when I open workbook, excel ask me if I want disabel/ enbale run macro.
Can I write code to elminate this check box???
Thanks a lot.
I neede to do something like this : I have two columns A and B:
12 12
13 13
14 15
21 16
I need to compare range column "A" with range column "B". If I don't find A(n) into B(n) I'd copy this value into columm...
I neede to do something like this : I have two columns A and B:
12 12
13 13
14 15
21 16
I need to compare range column "A" with range column "B". If I don't find A(n) into B(n) I'd copy this value into columm...
Is something like this: I'm using a macro to capture screens from another program and to load into excel . The numbers in the screens is 1.230,45 in the cell is 1230,45. I'd try to format but only works if I active the cell before. Like to click twice or F2. I have a range d5:d88 in 36...
I have a column "D" with numbers that I've captured from another program. I need to sum this numbers but for this is necessary active the range.
I try this way using a VBA:
For Z = 5 To 88
I need to write a VBA code that fill a line and collum in a .doc (WORD) . Ex. I need to put name in line 2, columun 3 but in word not excel. Its possible ????
...Q = 1 to 27
cod_sname = sname(Q)
Enviar(cod_sname, 0, 1, 17,23)
adress = Extra.dados
cells(2, 3).value
Next y
End Sub
I`m going to send the Variable sName to another program(Extra Personal Client) , that when the program to receive this "input"...
I have a workbook with 05 worksheets, but I want to salve only 03 (three) .It`s possible ? How could I write this ?
Is possible too to save a workbook that have macros without save this ???
Thanks .
...Collumn a = brown brown
Collumn b = red red
collumn c = blue green,
I need in PLAN3 :
if plan1!a1 = plan2!a1 /I have Plan3!a1 = Plan1!a1 or Plan2!a1,
IF plan1!a1 DIFERENT plan2!a1/ I have Plan3!a1 = *****
How can I write this ????
Thanks very much.
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