here is what i ended up with
come to find out if i grab just the surcharge totals i am g2g
awk '/DATE OPENED/,/MERCHANT 00002726/' jan.txt > jan1.txt
awk '/DATE OPENED/{id=$2} /SURCHARGE TOTAL/{print id" "$5}' jan1.txt > testem.txt
oops the end was cut off...
The record begins with 00002726xxxxxx and ends with the line 00002726xxxxx. I need to take that 00002726xxxx number and use it as an identifier.
After that I need to pull out the number corresponding with SURCHARGE and match that up with 00002726xxxxxx. But NOT...
...It validates the table and then quits everything... here is the code if that'll help
Function VerifyIT()
On Error GoTo NoTable
If DCount("*", "OtherFees") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Tables Gots Stuff In It"
GoTo Exit_VerifyIt
DoCmd.RunMacro "Stop"
End If
here is what I have so far
Option Compare Database
Dim SQL As String
Dim Data As String
Sub query()
SQL = "Select FIRST(OtherFee) From OtherFees"
Data = DoCmd.RunSQL SQL
End Sub
Function VerifyIT()
If DataGrid1 Is Null Then
DoCmd.RunMacro "stop"
End If
End Function
I need to create a module that will stop a series of macros with an error if a specific table is empty. I am not sure how to go about setting this up.
DoCmd.TransferText did the trick. I didn't see anything under DoCmd.* that might allow me to ftp something though... Am I chasing my own tail on this one?
I need to create a button when on click it exports a table to a CSV file that is comma deliminated and has double quotes for field qualifiers. The name of the file must be addmmyy.csv ie for today it would be a022306.csv.
I don't even know where to begin. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
We are looking for a quick and dirty way of doing inventory control. We want to be able to print labels for a specific serial number on the fly. It looks like the bar code font should accomplish what I am looking to do.
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